Pulse Point Aromatherapy 
Oils for Wellbeing 

Meet Sam Thornton: founder of Bergamot and Flow

Lockdown gave Sam Thornton the time she needed to launch Bergamot and Flow – a range of pulse point aromatherapy oils designed to complement our daily lives. Here, she discusses her creative roots and the challenges (and rewards!) of running a small business.

I was born in the West Midlands but have lived in Suffolk for over 23 years. We moved here for my husband’s job when I was eight months pregnant with our first baby – and as all our children were born here, I feel it’s home. 

My previous career was in education, but I have always been very creative. A painting of mine once hung in the Mall Galleries near Trafalgar Square in London! I’ve been interested in natural remedies since my teens, after seeing a homoeopath for M.E. – but I was actually introduced to aromatherapy by a supply teacher at the school where I used to work. 

From there, I slowly began to make my own blends and oils, which I gifted to family and friends. It was initially just a side hobby, but the extra time some of us were afforded over lockdown allowed me to consider taking things more seriously. 

My husband has owned his own business for years, and I’d always thought I’d want to do something on my own – and dabbling in essential oils, and realising how amazing they are, gave me the proper nudge I needed. I was also fortunate to receive a small inheritance, which meant I was able to leave my job and make the leap.

The company’s name reflects two personal interests: Bergamot is my favourite oil by far, and I have enjoyed doing yoga on and off for years. Together, they combined to bring me Bergamot and Flow! I’m a citrus girl through and through, and Bergamot is a citrus oil that’s unique in its ability to uplift but also relax.

The Bergamot and Flow range comprises a range of pulse point oils. I love that our products offer accessible moments of holistic and indulgent self-care. They’re ideal for all times: in the morning to start your day, during yoga practice, or even as part of a reiki session. Smell is an incredibly powerful sense, and we can’t help but be influenced by it. For example, lavender is known to aid sleep, but there are so many more essential oils out there that have myriad benefits. 

I find running my own business highly rewarding, but there are definite challenges! One of the hardest aspects is that I’m in charge of every detail – from research, packaging and labelling to blending, stock control and social media. Before starting, I couldn’t possibly have thought of every type of hat I’d need to wear on a daily basis.  

Having a support network with other small business owners helps a lot. Whether they’re in-person or online, you’ll feel less alone. They will all either be going through a similar situation to you or, better still, have come through the other side! I’ve made some great friends through training and networking sessions.

Contact me, Becki@rebeccasreflexology.co.uk to enquire about the Bergamot and Flow oils available to purchase from me. Oils available from my treatment room so book and treatment and treat yourself to some oils to use at home. Of course, oils also available to buy when not attending an appointment. Contact me for details.

For more information, visit Bergamot and Flow’s website (https://www.bergamotandflow.co.uk/), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/bergamot_and_flow/), or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/bergamotandflow).


Meet Anna Hart: founder of Wildlight Candles



Having been unable to find quality candles, Anna decided to make a few of her own, and soon became fascinated with the process. Here is her story.

I’ve always loved candles. I’m fascinated with the way that fragrance can impact memory and perception, too. 

I made my first candle at my kitchen table in Bermondsey, south London, in 2016. I’d tried a few different candle brands over the years, but always noticed some quality issues: they either burned very quickly, didn’t have a noticeable fragrance, or showed signs of tunnelling (which is when the wax doesn’t melt to the edge of the candle). So, I decided to make a few of my own and ordered some wax. One day, I came home from work to discover a very large bag on my doorstep – and realised I’d accidentally ordered 10kg rather than 1kg! Rather than returning it, I took it as a sign to get cracking. 

The process wasn’t as easy as I’d anticipated: candle making is – and continues to be – very challenging. But it’s so satisfying when you get it right! I quickly became hooked on mixing different waxes, fragrance blends and wicks to achieve the perfect burn. 

By 2019, after many failed candles and even more hours of testing, I had developed a range of candles that I was happy with and felt ready to launch Wildlight. The name reflects a combination of nature’s wild scent with soothing light.

It was also in 2019 that I decided to move out of London and return to my Suffolk roots in Little Bealings. Doing so allowed me the space to work from a lovely workshop in my garden – so now my kitchen is now strictly for cooking again. With a love of the outdoors, I am constantly inspired by scent in nature, including in the garden – the range has been developed to cater for a variety of scent preferences encompassing citrus and floral blends and the earthy spicier scents. My personal favourite from the range is Lavender and Bergamot – a calming soothing scent that really helps promote relaxation and sleep.

Despite being responsible for all aspects of the business I love the flexibility it affords, and that I get to make quick and ‘fun’ decisions about things like design and branding. I also love the social aspect of meeting fellow traders and customers at markets and get a real sense of satisfaction when I hear good comments on the quality of my candles and how they burn.

Contact me, Becki@rebeccasreflexology.co.uk to enquire about the Wildlight Candles I have available to purchase. Candles may be purchased from my treatment room so book a treatment and treat yourself to a candle to use at home. Of course, candles are also available to buy when not attending an appointment. Contact me for details.

For more information, visit Wildlight’s website (https://www.wildlightcandles.co.uk/) Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wildlight_candles/) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wildlightsuffolk

All rights reserved. Rebecca's Reflexology and Wellness

32 High Street, Wickham Market, Suffolk, IP13 0QS


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